LevelUp Sample Interactive Training Game – Supervisor Plant walk-through

Welcome to work! You just started your work day with a walk around the plant to check on the condition and identify and issues or problems that could hold the team back from peak performance and efficiency in a safe operating environment. You only three minutes move from Soil Sort to Finishing to Packout where quizzes will test your knowledge and you will have to identify hidden areas of concern. This is only a sample simulation to demonstrate the more expansive interactive games and simulations that will be included in the LevelUp Supervisory Skills Training program.

Register and enroll to see if you are a supervisory “Guru”, “Emerging Leader”, or if you need to go “Back to the Fundamentals”. It only takes three minutes!

Course Information

Difficulty: Level 1 – Supervisor

Sample Simulation for Demonstration Purposes

access until May 2, 2023 12:00 am